Monday, November 2, 2009

About 3 weeks late...

I remembered I had a blog. Didn't forget it when i had absolutely nothing to be sharing with the world, but I did once I got engaged. Its probably kind of pointless for me to post anything since the whole world knows already, but here it is -

October 17th Brian actually managed to surprise me, something that doesn't happen because i can't handle not knowing whats coming. Major points to him for finally pulling off a surprise. It's not that he doesn't try, I'm just annoying and persistent. I generally know what he's going to get me for Christmas, Birthdays, etc. because I am that obnoxious. Its kind of sad that I didn't see it coming. I knew that I was going to be proposed to that night (see? couldn't handle that one either) but Brian managed to convince me that there were problems with my ring and that they couldn't work on it until the next week. Yeah, I bought that. So he carried on like we'd just keep the date for the sake of the reservations and that I'd get my ring the next week. I won't lie, that did not make me happy. So after nice dinner we went to his house where I thought I'd end up tearing down a wall, or hanging drywall, or some other home improvement project I never thought I'd actually have to do. After a quick bathroom trip he showed me the paint he'd put up, the hardwood he bought...then he said we should go see Chance (the crazy dog he inherited with the house) who was out on the back porch barking at goodness knows what. He turned the porch light on and there were flowers all set up. Somehow during my quick bathroom trip Brian had run downstairs, grabbed my ring, two bouquets of flowers, two vases, ran back upstairs, set the flowers up on a table, and managed to get quietly back inside and act like nothing happened...30 seconds tops. I was impressed. Not only was I surprised that I was getting a ring, but it turned out to be the real ring! I was expecting a loaner because my band had to be special ordered and should have taken 6-8 weeks. Couldn't be happier with it!!! I haven't been able to take a good picture of it. :( So no pictures

Our date is January 16th and we're super excited! We hope all our family will be able to share the day with us!

1 comment:

  1. I think that your dad and I will be able to be there! Seriously, we are so excited for you and Brian. We really like Brian and see that he makes you very happy! This is important to us (your happiness). We love you so much and are happy to share in this special day with you!!!!
